30 September 2010

Family of NIne

We are a happy family most of the time.

I smile just thinking about dinner time and the food being fed to the dog. I laugh a little bit out loud when I remember the baby peeing on the 15 year old who just trying to get out of doing dishes by changing a few diapers as her chore.

But I also feel a little sober thinking about the in school suspension or a day at Public Health due to an STD. I sadden a bit knowing that my Lenny boy will be leaving me someday to live with his grandparents. Oh, yes they love him and will do a fine job raising him, but he will take more than a bit of my love with him.

Many children that enter this cozy home are in for some culture shock! This crazee white lady who grew up on GUam, and the Philipino lad from Illinois?! How are we supposed to raise teen black girls from what they call the "ghetto". Im just not sure that Im allowed to use that word.
My little boys are all a mixture of learning new words, and songs, and manners. They are dears. Our girls are fantastic helpers both with an amazing sense of humor!

I have the "luxury" to be a stay-at-home -mom.
However. Are there really stay at home moms who actually stay home throughout the day??

Lately i have been out of the house more often that a 9-5 jobber!



chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Wow! Your plate is definitely full but in a great way! I'm sure it's never a dull moment at the house. Will you be adopting any of the other children in your home?

Hanna said...

Hi there!! I am your newest follower! I found you on the Monday Linky! I love finding new blogs and yours is lovely:) You can find me at www.bouffeebambini.blogspot.com