05 January 2009

It's coming!

Thursday at three!!

--that is the time of our Final, final of the meetings for our foster licensure!!

I can't wait!

--Please pray that everything goes well and that we don't receive another stack of papers to fill out!


sara said...

Praying for you! What a emotional roller coaster!

The Mom Jen said...

Strength and prayers coming your way!

QUILTS is for gift:) said...

Stay focus,praying for you and Jacob!
Matthew 7:7....

Julie said...

How exciting. I will be praying too that all goes well. You two are gonna be GREAT foster parents and any kid would be blessed to have you in their lives.

Debye said...

Sending prayers and wishes your way for today! We are foster parents as well and it brings our home and family a lot of joy!

Frizzy said...

Are you trying to become foster parents to adopt or as a Cradle Care home? I feel like I'm so out of the loop. Either way, I am praying for you. My husband and I are discussing this before adopting a second time. Would love to hear your plans.