03 October 2008

It's a big one!

Welcome to my 400th Post!

Let's Party!

On the agenda is a give away!
I want to give you a gift!

Write a special comment to me. Include which of the garlands you would prefer.

Please visit my two stores - Etsy & ShopHandmade -and tell me what sort of items you like or what items you think I should make. I really am reaching out for some helpful suggestions here.

The Pink Chocolate Garland is 4 ft, while the Blue Seashore is 5 ft.

I will choose the winner tomorrow!! (randomly--not based on grammar skills or creative comment endeavors)



Lisa said...

I like the pink chocolate one.

I love all your garlands. I think you are super talented. I also totally dig your magnets.

Happy 400th post!!

cranny + b said...

okay Miss Lisa, you stole what I was going to say. . .except that I like the sea shore garland best;) I also adore the Christmas garland--what a grand idea!! You are so smart, Rachel!

Happy 400th! Here's to many more posts;)

Lora @ my blessed life said...

Congrats on your 400th post! And your latest blog design:) I always look forward to seeing what you've come up with on your design.
Your garlands are both so pretty, but I think the seashore garland is my fave.

Tracy said...

Rachel, I think you should make some more coaster sets -- I think they look pretty neat. As far as the garland goes, I love the seashore garland -- it would look great in my family room. Thank you for all of your artsy posts -- they have given me some really great ideas. Now all I need to do is implement.

Mistress Meeyee said...

Congrats on the 400th!! I like pink chocolate!!! We Rachels have to stick together.Yay!!!

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

Mistress Meeyee --winner!!