12 May 2008

Have you been over to 5 Minutes for Mom lately?? I was enjoying reading through some blogs tonight.
Have any of you ever considered using your blog as a small money making venture?

I have so much fun reading through YOUR blogs! I assume other bloggers do too! I love finding new ones and commenting and trying to win at contests and such.
I love looking at appealing pictures and art. I enjoy funny family stories and I am thrilled when I get an idea for a new recipe!!

HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO with blogging?


Dee Ann said...

I love your blog. Bright, happy and daring!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog.I really get to know you and I enjoy your pictures,wish I will learn how to do it someday.love your news.I would like more pictures of beaches where you live and you and Yakoc!moma!!!