10 October 2008

Fill IN's Meme

1. One of the best concerts/plays/movies I ever saw that I really didn't think I'd like was Beetlejuice.

2. CHinese Chicken Salad from Cheesecake Factory is a recipe I recently made (or meal I recently ordered) that was delicious!

3. It's time for laundry.

4. Sweet TEA is quite refreshing.

5. If I never hear the word paperwork again, it'll be too soon.

6. To one side of the curving road was a space shuttle, and on the other was a beach.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to seeing my parents, tomorrow my plans include Asia Pacific Rim Festival and Sunday, I want to go to church!

Check it out here.


Michelle said...

ha! i forgot about beetlejuice! love that movie! might have to add it to netflix!

Janet said...

lol I loved Beetlejuice! Thanks for playing, have a great weekend :-)

SmilingSally said...

Your weekend sounds like a good one. Come see my answers.
Enter the book giveaways too!

Lisa said...

I have not seen Beetlejuice in forever. I liked that movie too.