24 September 2008

Princesses or Pilgrims

Ah. well. We got a call from our FDS worker (once again Family Developmental Specialist). They found our Radon test results!! YEAH! now we can finally get our health inspection done!! We also will be able to have our home interview done before she goes on vacay in a couple weeks!! So... even though I was thinking we could have some cuties to dress up like Princesses for OCt 31 we might have to hold off for a few pilgrims around Thanksgiving! phew.


I Believe in Miracles said...

Thanks for stopping by. I hope everything goes well in the health inspection.

Your food down below looks delicious!


Lora @ my blessed life said...

That's great news!!

And I'm enjoying being surprised by your new looks each time I visit:) Have fun with it!