20 May 2008


It's hard to blog during the week! I also miss my weekly menu planning... I miss the more frequent money saving shopping trips :(..

ahh sigh.. AT least with working full time... I can work towards bill payment goals!! Yeah for paying bills!

What have you planned for this memorial day weekend?!

We are planning an escape. YEAH for escapes!

PollPub.com VoteWhere should we escape to for Memorial Day Weekend?
Orlando, FL
Locked up in our condo
Sarasota and beaches
Kennedy Space Center

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1 comment:

Sarah C said...

Wow, have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy whatever you do . .

I'll be working but will probably hit a few garage sales Saturday =)

I miss enjoying holidays - it never happens any more.

Hurray for paying off our debts and saving, saving, saving!!!