22 February 2007


Well, a month or so ago I found these little hens for a buck a piece. My mother had given me an orange the day before and I stuffed the hens with the orange pieces. I then painted orange Marmalade on the hen itself. I added a few dashes of lemon pepper and they were so gooood!!. I will try it with chicken next. OH and I served it with couscous boiled in orange juice! (the juicy- juice kind of orange juice)


Jen and Mark said...

so i'm so impressed with your creativity. any time i try something new it doesn't work out. ;) and i just scolled down your page and found out that you're having a baby!!! so congrats - that is so wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

YUM! Rachel, I so want to try this.

LMLogan said...

wow sounds goo!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jen about not working out when I try not using a recipe. What a gift of creativity you have!
"Orange" you glad you had an orange.

Katie Barker said...

wow girl. that's a lot of orange flavoring :) sounds delish though. I've never tried cooking the little hens yet.

Hannah said...

looks amazing!