We just finished a lovely 5 day vacation over to ST. Augustine!!
What a fabulous place for little ones and adults alike.
Even our teen, Miss Sweet 16 had an enjoyable time!
-- As I know it has been months since me --the busy momma has shown her face around here-- I thought Id share some update!
-We have 7 wonderful children!-
UNfortunately my phone was stolen yesterday. Therefore all my photos and videos from said vacation were on there!! However I had a few on Facebook that I uploaded while on the trip.
The typical happening on our home include Laundry, BAth, Meals, PLay, cuddles, potty training...
Miss Sweet 16 is beginning a career of competitive shooting with my husband. SHe competed for the first time this past Sunday. Im proud of her! SHe also plans to join Cheerleading this summer/fall.